Guide: Type­form vs Google Forms: Comparison and Review

When it comes to creating forms or collecting survey responses, Google Forms is one of the popular and useful options. This simple service makes it easy to create forms, and the fact that it’s free makes it a bonus. However, it is not the only tool out there. Apart from Microsoft Forms and JotForm, there is one more service called Typeform. Typeform made its debut and has a modern interface that makes filling out (and creating) forms an enjoyable experience. But if you put them side by side, which service is best for you? Is Typeform the tool you have always been looking for? Or should Google Forms always be the ubiquitous choice for conducting digital surveys and quizzes? Well, that’s what we’re going to find out today when we compare some of the best features from both Google Forms and Typeform. Since it’s going to be long let’s jump right in, shall we? Check Google Forms Check TypeForm

Common Features

Question and answer types

The diversity of the question types is what sets a great resource apart from the rest. Forms bundle many different types of questions. From simple questions with multiple checks, to file uploads and drop-down lists, it gives you tons of options to explore.

Choose one from the lot and get started designing your form. If you were surprised by the types of questions Google Forms offers, you would be amazed by Typeform. Okay, I may have exaggerated the scenario a bit, but you get the gist. Click on the plus icon and everything will be revealed. From multiple choices and lengthy text questions to image choices and ratings, there is a lot to play with.

And there is more to the story. You can also add website links, legal information, and payment information, which is missing from Forms Just click on the question type and it will be added to the form. These question types make it easy to design a variety of surveys and quizzes in Typeform.

Response validation

In, Google has released an update that allows you to check the answers before submitting them. For example, if you’ve marked a field for age, you can specify that the answer can only be a number between 0 and 50 (or any other number).

The same goes for emails, URLs and text-based replies. All of these can be handled when you take the quiz. The part of the responses is provided by Forms.

Typeform takes the shortcut when it comes to validation. While Forms let you decide whether a text-based field is Email, URL, or Number, Typeform separates the problem in the bud by categorizing them as different types. So if you want a particular file to be for an email, date or number, you must specify the type when you create the form. That said, Typeform also comes with its own set of validation. You can select the maximum number words in a ‘Long text’ question or the maximum number of a number field.

Overall, I liked Typeform’s approach. It tries to arrange everything from the beginning. But in retrospect, all the different question types can confuse a new form creator.

Embed video and other media

Embedding videos and images in forms and surveys makes them more engaging and engaging. Interestingly, Google Forms allows you to add images and videos between the form. So if you want your form to start with a nice video or a soothing welcome photo, you can. The best part is that you can upload images from your PC, or you can search for them using the Google Search option.

But the option I like the most is the Google Photos and Google Drive integration. This integration means that as long as you have access to your Google account, you can create your forms from virtually anywhere.

But there is a small catch. You cannot add multiple choice questions based on images. When it comes to embedding media assets, Typeform lets you do both. Yes, you can add video and images between questions on your form. Just like with Google Forms, all you have to do is tap the Image / Video icon trick

Interestingly, the Image question type also allows you to add images in response to multiple choice questions. Having such an entry on your questionnaire will make it a lot easier to set up.

Templates and themes galore

When it comes to Forms, you can create a quiz from scratch or choose one of the many templates available. Like all Google products, Forms is also expected to bundle a slew of templates. While there are less than 20 templates, you are more likely to find one that meets your requirements.

For now, there are templates for event registration, job application, and party invitation, among other things. And a template makes creating a survey / quiz much easier. And well, you can also combine these templates with existing themes for sparring up the look. Unlike the above, Typeform comes with drooling templates and themes.

You can choose from a variety of pre-existing forms, such as an application, lease and quizzes, among others. And the best part is that the forms are beautiful and the questions fit well with the forms Apart from the above, both services have the option to branch. This allows you to direct the user to specific sections of the form based on the response.

Uncommon Features

Import questions

One of the new features of the Google Forms is that it allows you to import questions from old and previous forms. This comes up when you ask a certain kind of question very often. This feature is efficient enough to help save you time in the long run. Click the Import Question icon (second from top), choose an old form and make your selections. Yes, it is that simple.

At the time of writing, Typeform did not have one feature which allows the users to import questions from an old form to a new form.

Hidden fields

One of the paid features from Typeform is Hidden Fields. This allows you to customize your forms for better data analysis. Based on your requirements, you can adjust them according to your needs.

For example, you can link two forms with hidden fields, or you can choose to keep track of your respondents’ data. The field is available as a question type. Keep in mind that Hidden Field is a plaid feature, and you must upgrade to the professional plan to use it.

Built-in app support

Another feature limited to Typeform is the third-party app integration. While Forms bundles internal apps like Sheets, Photos, and Google Drive, Typeform goes a step further and allows you to connect apps like Slack, Google Sheets, Analytics, Dropbox, and several others.

All these apps are available directly from the Connect tab.

Analyze responses

The Google Forms user in you should already know that Forms allows you to connect a spreadsheet to collect responses. After collecting the answers, you can open the spreadsheet to create custom graphs and charts. Or you can use the existing pie charts in the Comments tab. The best part is that you can copy the charts from there and paste them onto a PowerPoint slide.

While Typeform gives you an overview of all the answers. For MCQs, you get a graph of how people responded. However, if you want detailed analysis, you can always connect to apps like to run on up the process.

As we mentioned above, it is more suitable for business oriented users.


That’s where the real difference comes in upAll the features Google Forms are completely free. As long as you have a valid Google account, all features are accessible. In addition, there is no limit to the number of comments or the number of templates. On the other hand, Typeform is a freemium service. Some of the features are free, but not all. For example, if you have a free plan, you can only have three active forms at a time.

Paid features get unlocked when you subscribe to one of the three paid plans, as shown above.

Which service should you choose

Well, the answer is quite simple. If you are a student and you are looking for a free solution to create surveys and questionnaires, then Google Forms is the best solution for you. You can collect an unlimited number of responses and the templates are reasonable to start. Once you find out how to go over the different types of questions, starting a form from scratch is not as difficult as it may seem. If you’re looking for marketing survey forms where the questions are just as important as the look and feel of the form, go for the Typeform. The interface is modern and minimalistic. What makes the deal even sweeter is that the answer part is also a work of art. You have to add your answer, hit enter and the next question will appear up in style. The next up: Intrigued by JotForm? Read the following in-depth comparison between Google Forms and JotForm.

Type­form vs Google Forms: Comparison and Review: benefits


Final note

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