Guide: Share Big Files on Gmail Using Google Drive: Tips and Tutorial

Recently, Gmail made a change to the interface for composing and replying / forwarding messages. When we showed you how to activate it and use it, we also said the change could be a trailer to something bigger that Google may have in store. Afraid of purpose, there’s one more change: Google Drive’s integration with Gmail’s compose window has gone live with the latest announcement on their blog. If you’re already using the new interface, chances are the latest change has also rolled to your profile. The change is positive for all Gmail users, as you can now share attachments that use Google Drive space. That means that attachments larger than 25 MB will not exceed your inline sharing limit. Let’s see how it works. Cool Tip For folks using, we’ve got you covered how to share huge files from SkyDrive.

Steps to Share Google Drive files as Gmail attachments

You can also do this earlier. But there was some manual effort involved. You had to exit Gmail’s interface, create a link to the file you want, and then put that link in your email. Now the feature has arrived in the compose window. Step 1: Create a new message on Gmail. In the new compose window (pop up) click the Drive icon to attach a file.

Step 2: The file selection window will open upHere you can choose a file that is already part of your Google Drive space or you can choose to upload one to the same.

Step 3: When you’re done and go back to the compose window, you’ll see an inline attachment like the one in the image below.

Click on Submit button and the attachment comes like any other. The only difference here is that you have not sent an independent copy of the file. The file is still in your cloud, but has been made available to the recipients of the mail. Another advantage of such a message is that the recipient always has the latest copy of the file. So if you update the file, you don’t have to resend it all. Plus, they’ve said (on the official Gmail blog), “When you send a file from Drive that isn’t shared with everyone, you’ll be prompted to change the file sharing settings without leaving your email. It even works with Drive links pasted directly into emails. “

I tried to share a few files with my friends and the process works really clean. However, I also noticed that if the recipient opens the attachment and shares the attachment link with someone else, the file becomes available to that person as well. However, that’s not something to worry about. It can be done with conventional attachments too, right?


I like the changes that are coming to the interface, and features featuresThis change was much anticipated and many of us will benefit from it. And, again, more improvements can come our way. We just have to wait and watch.

Share Big Files on Gmail Using Google Drive: Tips and Tutorial: benefits


Final note

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