Guide: How to Snooze an Email in Gmail

Most users, including myself, use the features such as Mark as Unread and Star Conversation for emails they want to deal with later. However, most of the time, the unread list gets so long or we just forget an email that we never respond to the one we should be answering. Sometimes it can be very embarrassing when we forget to respond to important emails. That was why I wanted a better way to remind myself of the emails I needed to work on and then I found Snooze your email for Gmail

Snooze emails in Gmail

Snooze Your Email is a Chrome extension for Chrome that seamlessly integrates with Gmail, allowing you to snooze your emails after reading them and set reminders for later. After the extension gives you a reminder, you can reply to these messages or do related work.

The extension can be installed from Google Chrome Web Store and after the extension is downloaded and installed, it will automatically reload any webmail tabs you have opened in your browser. However, before working on the extension, you will be asked if you want to mark snoozed emails as unread. I recommend that you unsubscribe and save the settings. After the Gmail tab is reloaded, you will see another snooze button in addition to other control buttons every time you read an email.

Working on the extension is quite easy. When you need to snooze an email to be reminded of it later, click Snooze button while reading the email and set the time you want to be reminded of that particular email. The extension comes with a number of preset time durations up up to a week, but if you want to go for a precise date and time, click the Set Date / Time option and select the date from the popup calendar.

If Chrome is running on your computer and Gmail is open in a tab, the extension will show you a desktop notification after the deadline for a particular email is reached. If Chrome or Gmail is not open or your computer is turned off, the extension will be displayed up a reminder the next time you open Gmail. When the extension shows you a desktop reminder for a particular email, you can click on it to open the email or snooze for a few more hours from the notification itself.


Snooze Your Email is a very useful and productivity application to be reminded of important emails at the exact date and time you need them. Don’t forget to check out how to schedule outgoing email in Gmail with Boomerang. It’s a great combination for a Gmail user. Image Credits: Andres Rueda

How to Snooze an Email in Gmail: benefits


Final note

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