How to Check the Pollen Count in Area – Guide

Pollen is everywhere in spring whether you see it or not. It is a light, fine dust that moves easily through the air and originates as a fertilizer for plants, trees, flowers, grass and weeds. It looks different depending on the type of plant or tree it comes from, and pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds are often among the worst for allergy sufferers, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. Pollen counts can change daily depending on weather conditions. Rainy, humid weather can help keep pollen heavy and out of the air, making these days better for pollen allergy sufferers. According to, sunny, hot days dry out the pollen, making it lighter, and windy days churn it up. up pollen, allowing it to pass through the air and into the nose of allergy sufferers. There are many ways to check the pollen count where you live on a daily basis, sometimes it even makes the news during the weather forecast in peak allergy season. On the same page, they can enter their zip code to see the area’s top allergens as well as the pollen count.

How to Check the pollen count

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