How Geometric Shapes Affect Web Design – Guide

Everyone had one of those subjects at school where they thought, “Why am I studying this? I will never use it again.” Geometry, with its measurements of diameters and angles, may not have seemed very useful or exciting at the time. However, there’s actually a lot you can do with geometry on a website to make your content easier to find and more engaging. Many websites these days are made up of rectangular blocks that are on top of each other. However, if you crop important sections of your site diagonally rather than horizontally as you would expect, visitors may feel more likely to move further down a page. Part of this is down to the downward bias, although the teak “hidden” about what comes next will certainly help too. Geometry (at least the Euclidean variety) is defined by straight lines, right angles, and the rare circular curvature. These shapes, especially circles and rectangles, have dominated web design since its inception. Each standard grid is rectangular and it used to be very rare to see a button or link in any other way. Recently, however, it has become popular to embed more exotic shapes like backgrounds, logos, content blocks, and a variety of other elements on the page.


The triangle symbol dates back to ancient times and has many different meanings like the pyramids in Egypt. The triangle can have different messages in the web design depending on how it is drawn or where it is placed. Unlike some other geometric shapes, the triangle draws attention to its apex. The positioning of the triangle up or down can also symbolize different meanings. In an upward position, the triangle can represent direction, power or authority. The triangle is often used for warning signs to alert pedestrians or drivers of accidental changes or to redirect them to another location. Sometimes the triangle is upside down in different directions. There are companies that use the vertical triangle in their logos to represent some form of authority or vice versa to show cutting-edge concepts in their operations. For example, Mitsubishi tells potential customers that they are leaders in the automotive industry so they can trust their brand. Another company has an inverted triangle that says it pays attention to detail for excellence in car manufacturing.


Circles represent a more modern look used by designers and graphic companies. As an example. A company that offers printed materials would not use circles as their items are rectangular and would easily conflict with circles. Because of the shape, the circles represent movement and are infinite. The circle is often used to get people surfing the Internet to take action on these sites. For example, clicking on a button or a call to action. Circles can be tricky, but when implemented correctly, you can engage prospects on your client’s website to perform various actions. Therefore, you should rarely use circles when creating your web design projects so that a visitor will see a circle that catches their attention. On the other hand, it’s better to find a different shape when creating a logo. You want to make sure your customer’s logo stands out from the crowd.

squares and rectangles

All their devices along with monitors and screens are rectangular and square which is literally simple and easy to use. On the other hand, you might get lost in a mountain of these rectangular and square shapes for web and graphic design. It becomes harder for your customer to stand out from the crowd. Rectangles and squares are widely used in web design and generally signify conformity, balance and equality. You can visit any webpage and find many squares and rectangles for many purposes. They are used for content in drop-down menus and other areas at the bottom of the page. People feel more comfortable and relaxed seeing these two common shapes on one page, as many things can be on the same page. Too many squares and rectangles on a page can look crowded and frankly too simple. You cannot stand out from the crowd as there are thousands of websites that look exactly the same. You’ll have to march to your own drummer by curving the edges of the square or fiddling with the frames and edges if you want something simple but still allow your client to stand out from the rest.

Final note

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