You won’t find games like Deathloop and Fallout 4, which are wonderful experiences but otherwise incorporate action, adventure, and RPG systems to support their basic gameplay because we’ve concentrated on core first-person shooters here. The RTS, RPG, and point-and-click adventure genres are all ones that the gaming PC community believes to be “ours,” but the FPS is the one that has only grown in popularity over time. Since many years ago, first-person shooters have played a significant role in PC gaming. We have come a long way from the first, genre-defining shooters like Doom, Halo, and Wolfenstein 3D to open-world and hero shooters other titles. In many contemporary shooters, the movement and gunplay experiences are nothing short of fantastic. The best FPS games are among the most intensely competitive games available, making them ideal for esports.

Here is the list Best FPS Games

Doom Eternal

Although we didn’t exactly gush over Doom Eternal at the time, it is now clear that it represents the apex of the best FPS games subgenre. This is the essence of the genre, condensed into one beautiful, scorching, rebellious shout. It is a willpower force. A game that lets you garotte a monster every 17 seconds is also astonishingly graceful to experience in motion. When you get into Eternal’s joyful rhythm, it seems faultless, just like Mario 64 or Mirror’s Edge. Every weapon seems properly tuned, every level is impeccably timed, and every enemy that is pulled screaming from the depths of Hell has obviously been meant to elicit the Doom Slayer’s exact amount of aggression.

Warzone 2

In Warzone 2, which is set in the made-up country of Al Mazrah, your goal is to annihilate your rivals and be the last squad standing. Warzone 2 is a dynamic, tactical experience that rewards situational awareness almost as much as it does blasting people in the head, using the same amazing gunplay as Modern Warfare 2. With the new proximity chat feature in the game, you can even manipulate your adversary’s mind. Warzone 2 is a thorough best FPS gamesthat is also available for free to play, so there isn’t really a reason not to give it a shot. Don’t worry if you don’t enjoy creating custom configurations; our guide to the greatest Warzone 2 loadouts has you covered.

Titanfall 2

Even now, the campaign from Titanfall 2 stands out for its unique levels and enjoyable linearity. You can tell the best FPS games, creative talents behind Call of Duty’s most iconic campaigns were involved since there are always eye-catching set pieces around. However, unlike Call of Duty, Titanfall 2 offers more than just horizontal firefights behind chest-high cover. The layout of the room and your ability to wallrun, double jump, or slide over it while firing determine how a battle will progress. And then, occasionally, Titanfall also turns into a respectable mech game. It’s the kind of simple yet beautiful junk food game that’s easy to forget about and pick up every few years to remind you why it’s so good.


There isn’t a classy way to say this: Valorant is Counter-Strike with ninjas and wizards added. One team intends to detonate a bomb, while the other must prevent this. How? By taking small turns, shooting rather well, and making compelling calls in the team talk. Here, being patient and working with your team to manage each map will pay off. Valorant’s gunplay resembles Counter-Strike quite a bit, if that makes sense. The use of abilities is where it differs, though. Each Agent on the list has unique abilities that will allow them to perform tasks like teleport across small gaps, flashbang around corners, or heal allies. Don’t worry if this sounds aggressively out of balance; almost all of these skills feel like tools to be used, not pain-inducing weapons.


Leave it to Blizzard to make us all emotionally invested in the outcome of a fight between a body armoured gorilla and a mech-riding E-girl. The best FPS games IS classes in Overwatch are a visual feast that mashes up themes and cultures that are absurdly varied but also completely consistent. They also make for a fascinating game of Push The Thing or another classic. Get Everyone On The Thing, and they are radically different from other class-based games. While seeing it at a professional level is like attempting to understand a James Joyce novel written in another language, loading up the game yourself reveals just how skillfully its class combat has been designed.

Overwatch 2

With the release of Overwatch 2, the best FPS games IS original Overwatch is no longer available. This may perhaps be simpler for newcomers than it is for seasoned Overwatch players who currently have to deal with a number of changes, including as the switch from 6v6 to 5v5 engagements and adjustments to hero attributes and talents. All of these modifications are intended to improve Overwatch 2, and with a little more time and user feedback, it will become a game just as well-liked as its predecessor. Even though it mainly relies on irksome microtransactions, we think Overwatch 2 is great and well worth your time, even though new maps and a few new heroes don’t really make it a whole new game.

Call of Duty

Since its 2019 release, Call of Duty Mobile has received over 500 million downloads, making it the best FPS games on Android. Even if the game is already a few years old, it is still popular. Since your expectations for games start to rise as they progress with better hardware, best FPS games typically don’t hold up well over time. You can fully anticipate a full-course meal for all the game download Call of Duty Mobile, from zombies to battle royale, along with other modes that made it from the previous games, like team deathmatch with a tonne of classic maps. It was already ahead of its time and has amassed a massive following.


Having spent the best FPS games of its history on League of Legends before moving on to a plethora of mobile titles, Riot Games is no stranger to the free-to-play genre. The second competitive season of the hybrid MOBA-FPS, which will introduce a deathmatch mode among other things, just launched a few days ago. Valorant has more in common with Overwatch and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive than Apex Legends or PUBG. The main game mode is a search and destroy variation in which one team must place a bomb while the other team must defuse it. Before the contest is over, you’ll play through several rounds.

Borderlands 3

With Borderlands 3, Gearbox’s well-known looter shooter is back in typical Gearbox fashion, and it plays and looks better than ever on the PS5. The third game in the franchise is undoubtedly the greatest, despite not making too many innovations over earlier games. Gunplay has been improved. There is a huge range of tasks and weaponry, and the game’s trademark love-or-hate humour is still very much there. Due to improved visuals and up to 120 frames per second on the right panel, it shines the brightest on Sony’s current-generation machine as well. There aren’t many co-op shooters that compare to this one; whether playing locally or online, it’s a fun with friends.

Final Words

These are the best FPS games available if you want to play with your pals while being able to use some weapons safely. We have the game for you on this list, whether you want to jump in and play with a group of your friends or you’re searching for a challenging campaign to test your abilities. These best FPS games are all leaders in their respective genres, with several having smooth movement mechanics and all having excellent shooting mechanics.

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